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中山大学——Miguel Nunes教授:Change Management,Innovation and Technology Development

日期:2019年10月23日 21:13  浏览数:

讲座主题:Change Management,Innovation and Technology Development



主讲人:Miguel Nunes教授

主讲人简介:Prof. Miguel Baptista Nunes, BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA, FBCS, is a Professor and the Dean of the School of Information Management at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China. Prior to this appointment, Miguel was at the Information School of the University of Sheffield in the UK for 23 years. Miguel's research interests are focused on information systems, knowledge management and information management, specifically on areas such as information systems modelling, information systems design; database design and development; project management; risk management; and information systems change management. He has published more than 200 refereed articles in both academic journals and conferences; published a book on action research for e-learning, and served as chair for a number of International conferences. Miguel is also the current Chair of the Asia-Pacific iSchools Chapter and a Fellow of the British Computing Society and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy in the UK.

(通讯员 林晓晴)2019年10月23日上午,我院有幸邀请中山大学资讯管理学院院长教授于九号楼918会议室开展了题为“Change Management,Innovation and Technology Development”的主题讲座。本次讲座由李玉海院长主持,各届学生代表参与。


讲座伊始,Miguel Nunes教授首先为我们介绍作为人类活动系统的组织的具体特点。接着教授为我们解释了技术决定论、技术至上等相关理念,并以苹果公司作为成功的案例进行阐述。他强调我们不仅要重视技术的创新,更要关注社会技术创新。之后Miguel Nunes教授为我们讲解了为什么需要开展变革管理以及如何进行变革管理的具体模式,借助商场、银行、图书馆的例子与同学们展开讨论。最后,Miguel Nunes教授表示技术的变革是必然的、不可避免且持久的。因此我们要通过长期的变革管理引导我们发现未来的需求,抓住机遇,从而更好地实现组织愿景。

通过Miguel Nunes教授的分享,同学们不仅拓宽了视野,更了解到变革管理对于企业组织发展以及自我发展的重要性。此外,李玉海院长还与Miguel Nunes教授探讨了中外图情档学科未来发展方向等问题。李院长也借此勉励在场同学们要努力学习珍惜机会,积极与导师交流,不断拓宽研究领域。他呼吁大家要树立命运共同体的意识,为学科未来发展做出贡献。在场的硕博生深受启发。至此,本次讲座在同学们的热烈掌声中圆满结束。


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